Deutsche Version

Harald Nieber

Notary, attorney at law, specialist in labor law

Born 1962 in Berlin


  • Law studies at the Free University of Berlin
  • Study visit to London
  • Legal clerkship at the Kammergericht Berlin
  • Specialist in labor law

Professional experience

  • 1990 Partner at law firm Nieber & Osterkamp
  • 1999 Partner at law firm Nieber & Winkler
  • 1999 Acting notary
  • 2001 Notary in Berlin
  • 2008 Partner at law firm Hennig Nieber Stechow - Artejura Partnerschaftsgesellschaft
  • 2012 Specialist in labor law

Foreign languages: English

Practice areas: Land and real estate law, labor law, construction and architectural law

Harald Nieber (secretary)
Fon +49 (30) 236 25 89 60
Fax  +49 (30) 236 25 89 69